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“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6

Substitute Information:
Thank you for being a substitute teacher at BMK. Here is some important information that will help make your experience at BMK easier and more pleasant.
Please arrive at 7:45am if possible. Carpool usually ends by 11:30am.
You will be paid $35.00/day to substitute. Please provide Julie with your mailing address and she will mail your check at the end of each month.
If you are substituting on a day when a class has music, you will take the class to the music room (room 110).
There are students at BMK who have a peanut allergy. No peanut/tree nut products can be brought into the building.
The teacher will have lesson plans or a folder with all worksheets/art for the day. The teacher will also have a schedule of things to do for the day.
As students arrive, have each of them “take a bathroom break” and wash his/her hands.
Please make sure any jackets, papers, or any item that needs to go home with children are at the correct carpool number.
The red BMK bags go home on Thursday (3 day a week classes) or Friday (5 day a week classes). Please put papers and projects from the week in each bag to go home.
If you are substituting on a playday (Tuesday or Thursday) here are the steps:
Playdays cost $10.00 each day
Check each student’s bags or lunch bags for playday money.
There should be a brown envelope that has the teacher’s name on it for playday. Please put any money in the envelope and place it outside the classroom door on the class roster list. Mrs. Leigh or Mrs. Julie will come by and pick it up.
We do playday signups online. Please get with a neighboring teacher so they can fill out the form for you online.
On Tuesdays, students will bring a sack lunch. At the end of the day, please take the lunches to the teacher who will have them at playday.
Make sure your class is seated at his/her carpool number by 11:10am.
During carpool, help other teachers in the hall to get children out to the red line.
Carpool is usually over by 11:30am.
Before you leave, please wipe the tables down with OdoBan or Clorox wipes.
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